Dear Clients!
Please be advised that Evrofinance Mosnarbank Tariffs for Correspondent Banks are to be revised on April 27, 2024.
The tariff rates as revised are available at the links below:
Tariffs of Evrofinance Mosnarbank for Correspondent Banks (effective from April 27, 2024)
The Tariff rates apply to standard transactions only which are performed in accordance with normal procedures. EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK reserves the right to charge a special or additional commission fee in relation to non-standard transactions or in extraordinary circumstances. In case of any non-standard situations arising, and upon opening credit accounts and accounts with special regime, the rates of commission are established by agreement with the correspondent.
EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK may change the established rates for each individual transaction and/or establish a special order of settlements in case of a separate arrangement between the Bank and the correspondent. The rates may be modified or supplemented upon prior notification of the correspondents.
All commission fees amounts are written off from the correspondent banks by direct debiting. In case of impossibility to debit the correspondent bank account in the currency of transaction, the commission fee amounts are debited from other accounts opened with EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK in the name of the correspondent bank. If required, EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK shall perform appropriate conversion transactions at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the date of transaction, without any additional instructions of correspondent banks, and shall use the amount received for payment of services provided by EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK. The debited commission fees shall not be refundable.
The payment for cash and payment services to correspondents shall be collected by the Bank by debiting without acceptance. In case if the Bank has no possibility to recover from the correspondent account any amounts payable to the benefit of the Bank in accordance with the Tariffs, the Bank shall perform debit directly the foreign currency account of the correspondent for carrying out conversion and further payment of the relevant amounts. The charged commission fees shall not be refundable.
Taxes, levies, duties, telecommunication and postal expenses, correspondents’ commissions, and other incidental expenses, if any, shall be charged additionally based on their actual cost in the same currency they were incurred by EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK. The actual expenses of the Bank in a foreign currency shall be debited from the current foreign currency account of the correspondent, with conversion of the expenses amount from one currency to another by the on cross rate in relation to ruble at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia which is prevailing at the date of such debiting.
The amounts of actual expenses are usually debited from the correspondent account on the date of the transaction or thereafter as far as the Bank incurs such expenses.
The commission fee with regard to transactions committed by the Bank and related to payments to the benefit of governmental revenue and customs authorities and state non-budgetary funds is not charged (except for the actual expenses incurred by the Bank at the time of executing orders).
The present Tariffs shall be effective starting from October 11,2021 and shall supersede previously accepted Commission Fees Tariffs applied for executing orders of correspondent banks of EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK, and all supplements thereto.
Note: The cost of depositary services is reflected in the Commission Fees Tariffs for executing orders of legal entities.
all cash and settlement operations, except Customers’ transfers in favor of other banks’ Customers in EURO:
transfers in EURO in favor of other bank Customers
Tel.: +7 495 967-81-82