International settlements

Evrofinance Mosnarbank offers its clients various ways of placing temporarily free funds to obtain additional income:

  • Deposits (term deposits)
  • Evrofinance Mosnarbank promissory notes
  • Certificates of deposit
  • Minimum account balance in foreign currency and rubles
  • Client funds management (construction of a financial portfolio)
  • Brokerage operations in the financial market


Evrofinance Mosnarbank has extensive experience in conducting settlement transactions both domestically and abroad. Throughout its development, the Bank has specialized in servicing the export and import operations of the Russian exporting enterprises.


Evrofinance Mosnarbank offers its clients the use of individual safety deposit boxes (safe deposit boxes), which are located in a special safety vault of the Bank equipped with modern security system and ensuring a high degree of protection.


The Bank provides a wide range of loan products in rubles and major currencies that are able to meet the borrowing needs of virtually any enterprise, regardless of its specific activity.


Evrofinance Mosnarbank is one of the leading participants of the Russian stock market. We provide professional services to our clients and partners, providing them with a full range of securities transactions permitted by the Russian legislation on the Moscow Exchange stock market.


As an active participant of the investment market, the Bank provides its clients with effective access to its opportunities, including direct investment in the equity of over-the-counter companies (Private Equity).


EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK JSCB OJSC offers to its Clients a remote bank service system (hereinafter referred to as the Client-Bank System), developed by the company Bank Soft Systems (BSS), which allows our Clients to settle bank transactions and send official and aleatory documents to the Bank with the option of file enclosure via the Internet, without leaving the office.

Evrofinance Mosnarbank has taken an active part in commercial and financial ties between Russia and the West since its early days. The Bank has retained much its focus on foreign trade activity of Russian companies to the present day.

Currently Evrofinance Mosnarbank offers its clients, both Russian residents and non-residents, a full range of services for international settlements needed for export and import deals and other types of external economic activity. The Bank carries out payments in hard currency, soft currency and in settlement currencies used for clearing accounts. Evrofinance Mosnarbank uses all types of settlement generally accepted in global banking, such as documentary letter of credit, collection and bank transfer. The Bank assists its clients in developing and implementing various schemes of settlement involving the use of various instruments to finance foreign trade deals.

Evrofinance Mosnarbank issues guarantees and counter guarantees on a wide range of export and import deals and also on deals of its clients on the domestic market. The bank is authorized by the State Customs Committee of Russia to provide guarantees to Russian customs bodies.

Evrofinance Mosnarbank is able to reduce time and costs of international settlements as it has a wide network of correspondent banks in Russia and abroad.

Being a member of the Banking commission of Russia's National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce and of the Association of Russian Banks, Evrofinance Mosnarbank is able to trace the global trends in documentary business development and to be aware of the latest changes in settlement legislation.

Evrofinance Mosnarbank holds a top position on the Russian banking market, has a team of qualified experts in international settlements and has earned a solid reputation throughout its years on the international market. These factors help Evrofinance Mosnarbank remain among the few Russian banks whose letters of credit and guarantees are accepted by foreign institutions.

Evrofinance Mosnarbank provides its clients with comprehensive consulting services on the issues of international payments.

International Settlements

+7 495 967-81-82 (ext. 16-55, 17-88, 12-54, 12-86)

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