Еврофинанс Моснарбанк - Расчеты в рупиях, Кредиты, Депозиты, Вклады, Сейфовые ячейки, Финансирование...

Dear Clients,

From January 29, 2024, the commission for each issue of DFAs in the IS and the procedure for its payment are established by the Operator separately at the request of the DFA Issuer.

For all other transactions in the IS the commissions specified in paragraphs 2.27. and 2.55. The rules of the information system of "EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK", in which digital financial assets are issued, are not charged.

(posted 01/22/2024)

Bank contacts

Tel.: 8-800-2008-600
E-mail: info@evrofinance.ru

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